What a Wonderful Start, More to Come!
My journey at Comma Soft AG and my recent promotion to Senior Level 🥳🥰
TL;DR ⏱️
- Promotion to Senior Level
- Leading AI R&D and Product Development
- Building Alan.de for the European market
What a Wonderful Start, More to Come!
Today, I’d love to say thank you to my wonderful team at Comma Soft AG, which made great experiences and learnings possible and resulted in a recent promotion to Senior Level 🥳🥰 What happened so far?
Applied AI R&D
🔬 Developing cutting edge technology to improve GenAI models, including data synthesis, benchmark construction, model training, and deployment in production environments + additional Advanced RAG for optimizing GenAI-based knowledge systems.
In-house Product Development
🏗️ Building Alan.de, which provides a trustworthy full-stack GenAI solution for the European market.
Building Up GenAI Team
👥 Building-up, educating and managing GenAI team at customer sites.
Support Open Source Development
💻 Supporting existing AI open source community projects and repos with accepted and merged PRs.
Solving Customers Real-world Use Cases
👨🏼💻 Implementing and supporting real-world use cases through AI & Data-driven solutions.
🎤 Giving AI-Talks and "Ask Me Anything" sessions on GenAI, AI, and ML topics at customer sites.
In-house Recruiting Support
🤝 Further developing the Comma team through recruiting support from my network and appearances at trade fairs.
Strengthening our AI-Tech-Team
🌟 In a role as a buddy/mentor for several wonderful new colleagues.
📚 Holding Data Science Stand-Ups and Presentations about Hands-On AI R&D Learnings and SOTA paper readings.
🎪 Representing our AI R&D at conferences and events such as PyCon DE & PyData, Lamarr-Institut-Conference, WIFU-Stiftung-FUK, and Petersberger-Gespräche.
Increase Follower Reach
📈 Growing my follower base from 800 to over 6000 tech followers within a year, alongside my new AI blog.
❤️ Organizing & Enjoying amazing team events, sports and workations with colleagues who have become friends.
Tough AI world out there
😳 Especially in today's times after recent elections, for me a work environment where one doesn't have to be morally or politically flexible is insanely important. Great to have colleagues and a company with moral compass.
🥰 If you would love to join our team or cooperate, reach out to me. For more content of my work follow me on LinkedIn or check out my blog.
🚀 Looking forward to the challenges and opportunities ahead, and continuing to achieve great things together!
#cometocomma #artificialintelligence #aiineurope #alan #promotion